Journey Of A New Legacy - 2/11/20

February 11, 2020 00:39:03
Journey Of A New Legacy - 2/11/20
Known Legacy
Journey Of A New Legacy - 2/11/20

Feb 11 2020 | 00:39:03


Show Notes

Joe and Cindie Russo are two of Bill’s Heroes.  They share the story of how they met, came to know Jesus and how He was their source of hope thorough all the years of marriage.  Their story is a journey of love, hope and reliance on the promises of God.  They share the value of choosing the best for their family and the sacrifices that need to be made for that to happen as well as how things were when they were young parents and the advice they would give to young parents today. You don’t want to miss the wisdom these two have to offer!  If you have any questions email us at [email protected]

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