Eli the priest in the book of 1 Samuel finds himself with two sons defined as worthless. We dont know exactly how they came to be that way but based on the conversations Eli had with them thorughout the story we realize there was some form of passivity on his part as a father. The guys talk today on the podcast about recognizing passivity and how to move forward thorugh it to help our kids not live as passive men and parents. They share
The story of Eli and his sons
The passivity of his parenting
How to defeat passive parening
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When we got back from the retreat we noticed some patterns… The guys sit down and process the things they saw during the last...
The guys followed up a conversaton with Chad Allen to talk about what they took away from his interview. They shared anbout the value...
Finishing up the Proverbs challenge! we talk cider doughnuts, kids books, and Solomon. We break down how to finish well as a husband and...