Known Legacy Podcast - Hitting those goals, sort of...

January 08, 2020 00:24:52
Known Legacy Podcast - Hitting those goals, sort of...
Known Legacy
Known Legacy Podcast - Hitting those goals, sort of...

Jan 08 2020 | 00:24:52


Show Notes

Now that the kids are back to school and life is somewhat back to normal its time to hit those goals.  Kind of.  It can be defeating when it feels like you are over your head trying to lead a family, work and pursue God.  Health can take a backseat.  This week the Guys have invited Chad Bullard to join the podcast.  He has been involved in fitness and health for decades and owns a gym as well as worked with the federal government in developing fitness guidelines for Federal Air Marshals within Homeland Security.  He shares real life ways to make changes towards better health that actually make sense and are reachable for all those who constantly struggle with getting in better shape.  Chad throws a challenge out to the guys as well about their own health and fitness. 

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