The Wonder Years… Karl ( Who was on the podcast last week) Is a Middle School/ High School Educator. He Shares his insight with the current culture of students in schools today. He shows the value of helping your kids move through this generation and stand up for their faith and shares the value of letting your child wrestle through their faith in a healthy way. The guys talk about how to parent your child through the struggles of peer pressure and how to set up healthy boundaries for them and redeem to time we have with them.
The guys interview one of Bills heroes - Rich Paulsen. He is a follower of Jesus, Husband, father of three and successful business man...
From Lewd acts on a high school gym floor to Dads stepping up the Guys talk about the value and impact of Godly men...
Who influences you? What influences us influences our family. Ravi Zacharias influenced my life to and helped me understand God in ways I didn’t...