The guys had Jim Liske on the show today. Jim is the Founder and Principal of 1 26a, a ministry based on the dignity of everyone as described in Genesis 1:26a, most recently was the Executive Director USA. He was also the President and CEO of Prison Fellowship Ministries from 2011-2015. He shares the value fathers play in the lives of men who have found themselves incarcerated and the impact we can make as men in the lives of those around us - you don't want to miss this one!
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Value the moments before they’re gone. NEW DADS AND SOON TO BE FATHERS THIS ONE IS FOR YOU!!!! That time Bill’s phone died and...
The Christmas season is here! Almost… and then its gone! The guys talk about their favorite Christmas movies and which movies need to be...
It must have been interesting to hear about the worlds greatest cataclysmic event from someone who was there. Abraham might have been one of...